Streamlined & standardized global utility data

Arcadia provides access to thousands of data providers across electricity, water, and waste in over 50 countries. Our utility bill & interval data product, Plug, helps you centralize your energy and emissions data in one place.

Product features

Here’s how Plug helps you access utility data at scale

Access global utility data on demand

Our global network of utility providers can deliver utility bill data directly into your app of choice. Whether you need historical or ongoing data, scheduled delivery or on-demand access, our platform is built for you.

Accurate electricity interval usage

Analyze usage data on connected utility accounts in intervals of 15, 30, and 60 minutes — delivering higher-resolution energy insights.

Reduce errors and drive confident decisions

Plug handles the heavy lifting of collecting and standardizing electricity data so you can solve other business problems, achieve your goals, and serve your customers better.

Trusted by leaders from every industry

Plug delivers unmatched insights to help your customers make smarter decisions around DER projects, carbon emissions, and more.

Optimize with up-to-date utility data and accurate energy cost insights.

Identify game-changing energy efficiency and savings opportunities.

Unlock your platform's potential with automated energy data.

Deliver connected charging solutions with nationwide utility and tariff data.


connected accounts globally


countries covered across thousands of utility providers


coverage of US residential and commercial utility accounts

How can Arcadia help my business?

Gain access to detailed usage drawn directly from your customers’ utility providers.

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Learn more about Plug

Here’s how you can measure actuals, not estimates, in your environmental, social, and governance (ESG) reporting using high-fidelity utility data from Plug.

Solar and storage companies have a huge opportunity to leverage direct utility data to reduce friction and accelerate sales with Arcadia.

Plug provides access to utility data from thousands of providers in over 50 countries, making it easy to centralize and monitor your emissions.